Monday, February 1, 2010

Perfect Pregnancy Smoothie

I am in love with this smoothie. Lately, I've been NEEDING one every morning!! Although, I shouldn't call it a "pregnancy" smoothie because 1) Matt might not drink them anymore, and 2) I'll probably continue making them AB - (After Baby). Tomorrow morning I'm going to try making it with my new Magic Bullet (thanks Ne!) because our blender got a huge crack in it this morning.

1/2 cup berries (I use frozen blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries... you can get a huge bag of them at Target on sale for $7 and they last forever!)
1/2 banana
1/2 cup milk, oj, or water
1/2 cup ice cubes (I use 4)
1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
2 teaspoons ground flax (you can't even tell it's in there because it blends right into the raspberry and blackberry seeds)
1/2 scoop (about 2 T) of protein powder - equals 12 grams of protein!

Blend all ingredients except the protein powder in blender. Add the protein last and blend just until combined.

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