Saturday, March 20, 2010

You'll-Never-Make-Another-Chocolate-Chip-Cookie-Recipe-After-Trying This-One Chocolate Chip Cookies

I have probably made hundreds of dozens of chocolate chip cookies in my life. I can remember when I was a little girl, and I'd ask my mom if I could make cookies, and she would say, "Okay, but don't eat any of the dough, and use half the butter and whole wheat flour." No joke. :)

I sometimes my cookies my mom's way - using WW flour and half the butter - but I ALWAYS eat the dough. A couple of weeks ago, I made cookies this way with dark chocoalte chips, coconut, and pecans, and they were delish! Matt wasn't tempted by them (he doesn't like the "texture" of coconut - but pina coladas are fine!!) but my mom and dad who were in town loved them.

The best chocoalte chip cookie, in my opinion, is:
1) taken out of the oven just before it's done - it will continue to cook as it cooks, and
2) eaten warm - fresh from the oven. This is why I occasionally make just a batch of cookie dough, scoop it into balls, and put it in the freezer. Mind you, this is semi-dangerous, but I've learned that if I give myself permission to eat warm chocolate chip cookies whenever I want, I'm not tempted to cram a dozen of them into my mouth in one sitting. :) (disclaimer: usually)

3) not flat. I hate flat cookies.

There are a few more tricks, too, in my "You'll-Never-Make-Another-Chocolate-Chip-Cookie-Recipe-After-Trying This-One Chocolate Chip Cookies" recipe, such as adding a litte more flour, extra vanilla, a tad less butter (too much butter makes them too flat - I don't do this for health reasons :), and a few extra chocoalte chips, as well as not beating the butter-sugar mixture. So, the wait is over - here it is!

2 sticks minus 3 T butter
3/4 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup white sugar
2 eggs
2 t vanilla
2 1/2 - 2 2/3 cup flour (depending on how flat or round you like them)
1 t soda
1 t salt (don't omit the salt)
1 1/2 bags semi-sweet chocoalte chips

1. Heat butter in microwave until almost melted.
2. By hand, wisk the sugars and butter for one minute.
3. Add the eggs and vanilla; wisk until incorporated.
4. Add the flour, soda, and salt, and stir with spoon until incorporated.
5. Add the chocoalte chips.
6. Taste the dough. Don't skip this step. :) With practice, you will be able to tell if you need more or less flour.
7. If freezing, scoop the cookies onto a cooking spray sprayed-aluminum foil-lined cookie sheet. Freeze individually. Put in plastic bag.

8. Bake at 350. I check them after 10 minutes, but they usually need another couple of minutes. But remember, don't over cook!

Anyway, those are my chocoalte chip cookie secrets. What's your favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe? Do you have any tricks?


  1. Can I be the first person to comment on this blog, ever?!?!? Nice!!!!!

    Okay, thanks for the recipe, you make the best cookies and they sound awesome. You're the best baker I know!

    P.S. Beautiful pictures, wow!

  2. I'm trying this today Kiley! I am with you, I do not like flat cookies.
    p.s. I just realized that you have a new blog, (from Neely's site) I've been watching the old one that you haven't used in the last year
    p.s.s. I am THRILLED for you that you are having a baby girl. As a mom to three girls I can tell you that it is the most wonderful thing ever! Can't wait to see that little girl in a few weeks!
