Thursday, April 15, 2010

Facts about Avery

I needed these "facts about Avery" for a work shower in a couple of weeks, so I thought I'd post them.

Facts about Avery

8 lbs 7 ounces at birth
20.5 inches long at birth
born at Woodwinds hospital at 9:20 AM
has dad's nose, mouth, and hair
has mom's cheeks, fingers, and toes
likes to eat all the time just like her mom!
longest stretch sleeping at night: 4 hours (only twice)
favorite place to fall sleep: mom's tummy
favorite place to nap: mom's tummy - although she doesn't look very happy in this pic!

first outing: Target
hates pacifiers
favorite time to go potty (#1 and #2!): when her diaper's off!
likes to have her hair brushed
loves to be carried in the baby bjorn - although she doesn't look very happy in this pic either!

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