Thursday, May 20, 2010

Last Shower

Avery and I have been so blessed to have a lot of showers thrown for us. :)  Our last one was this weekend.  It was a neighborhood shower and was so much fun.  My favorite part was Wendy, one of the women who hosted it, wrote a "poem prayer"  (sounds cheezy but it wasn't :)).  The food was wonderful, and we were showered with diapers, clothes, toys, and books.  Lisa, another co-host, fed Avery her bottle.     

I actually got a Flip for my birthday, so I've been using the video camera more than my regular camera... so today I decided I needed a few more pictures of the little stinker before she's not so little anymore.  Gotta love those cheeks!!!  I think I kiss them about 20 times a day. :)

Avery is just starting to smile and make coo-ing sounds... it melts my heart every time. 

Last, here is a picture of Avery with one of her new friends, Britta.  Our friends Ben and Katie just had their girl 3 weeks ago.  We visited them last week and brought them dinner and hung out.  It was so much fun to talk "baby talk" with Katie! 

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