Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hello Blogger World and Sad Face

Okay, I know it's been forever since I've posted anything.  Why?  A couple of reasons...
1. Life with a newborn is crazy.  All the moms out there know it.  Before I had Avery, I always wondered what stay at home moms did all day. :)  But now I know!!!
2. Truly, I lost my camera.  That's why I'm posting a video. :)  I need to go out and buy a new one - just a point and shoot.  Any suggestions??
3. I'm kind of a perfectionist when it comes to certain things.  I feel like if I'm going to blog, then I need to have a post for every single thing we do - EVER - and it's just not going to happen.  Plus, have you seen my sister's blog?!  Hard to compete. :)  (speaking of Nealy's blog - thanks to all of you who send me blog-encouragement!!)
4.  I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make a picture big, and I hate the tiny ones!! :) 

Reasons why I decided to keep going...
1.  I LOVE reading certain other people's blogs, so I feel like I should reciprocate.  Blogs are a great way to still feel connected to friends even if they are in Council Bluffs or Scottsdale or Ankeny or Ames or ______. 
2.  It will be super fun to look back on and for my kiddos to look back on. 
3.  I can't take the pressure!! ;) 

Okay, now for the baby update!!! 

Avery is almost 4 months! 

Last Thurs she rolled over.  Well, more like toppled over.  I saw her and everything.  So now, the only other time she rolls is when she's in her crib!!  I'm so excited for her because she's rolling, but at the same time I'm so not excited because it means she's not sleeping!! 

Today she LAUGHED for the first time.  I was least expecting it.  Matt was there too and it was amazing.  Little moments like those make my day sooooo sweet.  I'll have to get a video of it soon.

So I will leave you with a video of my little sweetie.  Matt had just woken her up from a nap (something I don't like to do but if she sleeps too long for her last nap of the day, she won't go to bed!)  Avery was not happy about it.  She does this little frowny whimper face when she's sad, or when she is overwhelmed, and it's about the cutest thing I've ever seen.  All for now!  Hopefully I'll see you again before too long!


  1. Glad you're not leaving! I'm having the same problem with Ella rolling instead of sleeping. Mike noticed she usually rolls the same way, so I've been putting her up against the edge so she can't roll that way. It helps!

  2. I too am glad to see you are not leaving. It lets me know how you and Matt are doing, plus I love seeing pictures/videos of Avery!

    We need to get together soon.

  3. okay, that is about the cutest little sad face I've ever seen!!!

  4. we love updates! I finally decided that I was thinking about my life too much in blog terms, so I purposely put down the camera and left the computer alone for a while.....and you can't compare yourself to other bloggers!! That's just not a good set up :) Welcome back! ;)

  5. Ki I love Matt, "Don't make her sad!" Glad you are back to blogging and I totally feel your pain for competing with Nealy's blog :)
