Friday, October 15, 2010

There's Nothing Like...

There's nothing like...

...a Friday after a looong week.

...seeing my baby flap her arms and kick her legs when she sees me first thing in the morning, even though I'm mad because she woke up twice during the night because she just wanted to nurse but wasn't hungry!! 

...neighbors and babysitters who will come over spur-of-the-moment to watch Avery when I'm in a pinch.
...a diet wild cherry pepsi at 2 in the afternoon when I feel like I'm gonna fall over from exhaustion.

...getting to spend 12 hours with just me and my husband at a wedding this weekend.  I do love you Avery, but am looking forward to spending some QT with your daddy.

...having grandma and grandpa take over for a few hours while I spend a baby-free morning at MOPS. 

...a freshly-bathed, cuddly, and smiley baby in her jammies. 

 ...these two faces. :)

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