Thursday, November 4, 2010

Jamaica Mon!

What have we been up to???

Our first family vacay.......... Avery didn't know what to expect!  The week started off by me waking her at (gasp!) 4:30 in the morning to head to the airport.  She was in a daze for about two hours. :)

The last time I held Avery while she was sleeping was on the plane ride to Seattle... so I enjoyed our 44.5 minutes of cuddle time.  The flight went well - we had a connection in Miami.  In total, from ride to the airport to getting dropped off at our resort, it was 11 hours.  Avery was a trooper, for sure. 
 But, she was happy to arrive, safe and sound!
 Sorry - she was THRILLED to arrive safe and sound.  
 One of her favorite parts of the trip was the lights in the elevator. 

 She liked the swimming pool - didn't really love the ocean.  I think it was too cold.  She sure got the splashing thing down by the end of the trip!
Waaaa!!! One new thing Avery learned to do on the trip was WHINE.  Oh my, did she ever whine.  And she hasn't stopped since!  We did manage to get a few family pics:

 From our balcony:

 The restaurants didn't open until 6:30 or 7, and that time of night is not Avery's best!!  She was super tired and super whiney most of the time.  It's funny looking back now, but at the time it was not fun! :)
 For lunch, we at at a Jerk Hut on the beach.  YUM.  Jerk chicken, sausage, rice and beans, and a spicy, sweet jerk sauce to smother everything in.  One of my goals this week is to make this dish at home!  I'll let you know how it goes. 

 Avery started to love water bottles on the trip.  Let's just say we only brought a few toys and she got tired of them very quickly.  So, she chewed on lots of water bottles and on lots of tags on towels! 
All in all, it was an awesome trip.  The three of us hadn't been all together for one whole week since Avery was first born.  The weather was beautiful (mid-80s), food and drink out of this world, and the company even better.
Thanks for the fun trip, Mommy and Daddy!!


  1. Have been waiting to see this post. Looks amazing and very memorable. Love the pictures of Avery smiling in the airport. See you guys soon?!?!

  2. I always love your vacation pictures! : ) Cool!
