Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pictures of the Babe from a Lazy Sunday...

 We are trying to "trick" Avery into crawling.  Her favorite toy is an ap on my phone called "Baby Piano Lite" or something like that.  It's a keyboard for babies.  She loves it.  It's the perfect bait.

(As you notice, she doesn't really get the idea of the keys yet)

 But, our carpet is pretty darn exciting, too.  :)
 Do you like my headband?  It's a gift from Callie and Clara.

 Mom, you are goofy.
 Okay, enough already.  Pick me up!


  1. Cute pics Ki!! Shes getting soooo big!!

  2. Sundays are the best. She is so cute Kiley!

  3. What a doll!! Nice try on the crawling, looks like Avery is easily distracted. :)
