Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mexico, Here We Come!

Current temp in St Paul:  23 degrees.  What did Avery do today? 

Try on her swimsuits! 

We have a trip to Mexico coming up soon with Matt's parents, so we've got to get ready!!

Last summer, I bought a lot of 18-24 month size dresses and jumpers thinking they would fit Avery this summer.  Turns out they are huge right now, so I can't bring any of those for her to wear.  Some of her 6-12 month dresses from last summer fit, so we'll probably bring a few of those and do laundry.  So anyway, packing should be fun!!!

I'm SO excited for 1) warm weather, 2) QT with Grandma and Grandpa W, and 3) one whole week with Matt and Avery. 

Anyway, just had to share this pic.  Please ignore my messy house. :)


  1. I have let some other friends borrow clothes, but I should still have some stuff in a variety of sizes if you want to look through and borrow some.

    Have fun!!!!

  2. That is the cutest bathing suit ever- what a doll!! And I'm extremely jealous of your trip to Mexico... sounds amazing!
