Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My. Baby. Is. One.

I can't hardly believe it.  My baby is one.  ONE.  March 29, 2010, the most sweetest, precious little person joined my life and I can hardly remember what life was like before her. 

Avery Sue
Sweetest baby I've ever met
So so funny
So so bossy
Loves her mommy
Loves her daddy  :)
A sponge and an observer in groups of people
Scared when I turn on the vacuum (which isn't often!) dry my hair or blow my nose, true story
Hyper and fun after dinner and before bedtime
Usually likes to go ni-night
Gets excited when she sees her carseat because she knows we are going to go bye bye
The best shopper--friendly and smiley to everyone except scary looking men
Particular about what books we read
Hates to be left alone
Likes bananas and loves mommy's breakfast bars (recipe coming soon!)
Whiney as ever
Likes babies
Likes to sit on the counter while I do my hair and makeup
Good dancer - she always dances (aka "butt wag") to music or the sound of my breast pump :)
Gives the best wide-open-mouth kisses!

We love you Avery Sue! 
Pictures of the party to come!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! One already, where did the year go? We haven't seen her in forever, need to have you over soon!!! Anyway, Happy 1st Birthday Avery.
