Wednesday, June 8, 2011

NeW tRiCk!!!!

Yesterday was a big day for Avery!  She had her first "pool day" at a splash pad with her friend Julianna (and my friend Kyla).  She loved the puddles and didn't mind getting a little bit sprinkled. At one point we got too close and we got drenched--she was not a fan of that!!  I had to walk around with her since at that point in the day she wasn't walking yet--death grip on my finger, as always.  After splashing around, we sat in the grass and the kiddos ate all that wonderful health food they make for toddlers: Kix and Goldfish, to name a few. :)  She was fast asleep in the car after about two seconds.  I was going to wake her up when we got home but she was limp, eyes closed, head on my shoulder.  What a sweetie.  So she took a nap in her swimsuit. 

On to the real point of this post.
We were in the living room when she got up from her nap.  I got her to stand on her own by distracting her (asking her where the lamp was, the door was, etc).  I scooted back and told her to walk to me.  She knows what walking is.  She kind of shifted her weight from one foot to the next for a second then just started walking towards me.  Here's the second in her life that she walked on her own.  The shot when she has clothes on is later that day. 

Guess it's time to babyproof my house!!!


  1. WOW...she went from 0 to 100 in one day. None of this two or three step stuff, just take off! What a cutie! Yes, baby proof your house, get baby gates, watch what she can reach on the tables...looks like Matt won the bet!!

  2. I think she's known *how* to walk for a long time! But it seems like she finally became interested. Probably because it was Mike's and my anniversary and she wanted to get up and dance!

  3. So fun! Way to go, Avery! I LOVE having walkers in the house...get ready, it just keeps getting more and more fun! :)
