Thursday, July 28, 2011

Avery's Thoughts

What oh what have I been up to lately?  My mom takes me to the library at least every other day.  She can sit and relax while I play with the toys.  Like this plastic banana that I didn't know was plastic.  I really wanted some!  We've gone to story time a couple of times there.  We sit in a circle and sing songs and read books.  I like it a lot, but I always stare at the teacher because she talks loud and has a little bit of a funny voice. :) 

I've also been in Clear Lake a lot.  This is the table that Callie and I eat lunch at.  We just got in from swimming so we ate naked.  SO embarrassing!!  Don't tell, but I peed on the floor.  I eat at least five times faster than Callie, as you can tell by my empty plate and pb all over my face. :)  Sometimes when I finish she feeds me hers!
I've also been in the car a LOT.  I don't mind it though, because my mommy has these great kids CDs that she got from her friend Sharon that I love.  After EVERY song I say "More, more, more," and she plays another one for me.  We usually go somewhere in the morning, like a playdate or something, come home and have lunch and take a nap, then go somewhere else like Target or the mall.  Otherwise if we stay home all day, by 4pm my mommy is super cranky! 
 I like to be goofy and make really cheesy smiles.  My aunt Nealy says that I smile like my mommy did when she was a baby.  My mom puts these darn bows in my hair all the time, but I usually only keep them in for 5 minutes or less. 
I also started falling asleep for my nap while my mommy holds me.  I think she loves it.  I sit on her lap on the couch and she rubs my back and talks to me.  I suck my finger and slowly drift to sleep before she puts my in my crib.  It's some good cuddle time that we haven't had since I was a little baby.

All for now folks! 

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