Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mac and Cheese

Who doesn't love a good bowl of mac and cheese?  I came across this recipe a couple of weeks ago and have made it 3-4 times since. :)  It's easy, it's fast, you have most ingredients on hand, and it's super budget-friendly and kid-friendly!  What more could you ask for in a recipe??
This mac and cheese is SUPER simple, but you must do these three things to be sure it turns out:  (1) Do NOT overcook the pasta.  It will continue cooking once you take it off the stove.  (2)  Please, friends, add enough salt.  It's not good otherwise.  And (3), pretty please use extra sharp cheddar, preferably that that you grate on your own.  You'll make me and Pioneer Woman proud. :)

Step 1.  Boil milk.
Step 2.  Add pasta.  Stir constantly.

Step 3.  Don't drain milk.  Add cheese and stir.

(those are caramlized onions in mine, not burnt milk bits.  However, you WILL have burnt milk bits if you do not stir it enough!)

Step 4.  Top with toppings of choice and devour!

Anyway, here's my version.  This recipe serves 4-6. 

Mac and Cheese
5 cups milk (I use 1% but any kind is fine)
4 cups pasta (I use medium whole wheat shells)
2 cups shredded sharp cheddar
1 teaspoon salt, and pepper to taste

Bring milk to a boil in a large saucepan, stirring frequently.  Turn heat down to medium and add pasta and salt.  Stir constantly until pasta is almost al dente.  Watch it closely so the milk doesn't boil over.  Do not drain milk.  Remove from heat and add cheese and pepper.  Stir until cheese is melted and serve!

I made some for lunch today and added leftover caramelized onion that was calling out to me in our fridge.  I also added turkey bacon on the top, and it was DELISH, if I do say so myself.  I MAYBE even put carmalized onion and bacon in the salad I served with it. :)

Anyway, you can add your favorite other toppings, too, to make it a complete meal, such as steamed broccoli or cauliflower, chopped ham or chicken, chopped HOT DOGS! (does that bring you back, or does that bring you back??), roasted tomatoes, etc--you get the idea.

You've gotta try this, you guys.  It will change your life. :)


  1. AMAZING! Definitely one I'm stealing for sure!!

  2. Kiley,

    This sounds perfect! Mac and cheese is Josh's favorite, and I can't wait to try this recipe!

  3. Thanks for posting this, we tried it tonight and it was YUMMY!! I did it wrong and drained the excess milk before adding cheese, but it was still good - but next time I'll be sure to leave the milk in it ;)

