Monday, September 26, 2011


Most Mondays we head to the local library for storytime.  They do an excellent job!  It's actually only 15 minutes of structured activity and then for the last hour they give us the room and bring out big tubs of toys.  The storytime is specifically for 0-24 months, so the songs and books are very Avery-friendly!  The first few times we went, she just sat in my lap and looked around.  Now she will do the motions and sounds to the songs and "play" with the kids.  She also loves the stamp they give out at the end.  Sometimes when we are home and we sing a song that we sing at storytime, she'll go "Ohh!" and point to her hand!  She's quite proud of her stamps!  Here's the one from today.
On our way out of the library, I let Avery crawl up the big stairs.  She made it all the way up, and was sure to say "hi" to those who passed her by.

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