Friday, November 4, 2011

Hay Rides and Honey

Have I mentioned that Avery's favorite animal is (by far) a horse?  Oh, I'm sorry--a "neigh," as she calls them.  We went on a hay ride with our Sunday School class last weekend, and she was in heaven.  She even had a snack trap of Honey Nut Cheerios on the ride.  Life.  Is.  Good. 

A small side story I have to share.  Sometimes when I get the honey out I'll stick Avery's finger on the lid and give her a taste.  It was so funny the first time I gave her Honey Nut Cheerios--she took a bite and goes, "Honey!  Honey!" 

Back to the neighs.

(And for the record, I didn't know my hat was sideways.)

Have a great weekend!

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