Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Birthday Party Round Two and Easter Pics

Last weekend we celebrated Easter with Matt's family in Cedar Rapids.  Part of the weekend celebration included another birthday party for Avery Sue! She's quite happy about it--can you tell??
 The cupcakes were a hit, of course. 

She now is keenly aware of the meaning (and shape, color, and size) of presents.  This is her "hurry mommy I want to open my presents" face.  It was so sweet of everyone to plan another bday party for her.  I'm going to try to save some of her presents to put in my nursing basket.
 The little girls enjoyed an Easter egg hunt after church.  They are so goofy.

 You know you had a good time at Grandma's house when you pass out in your carseat on the way home! 


  1. Cute post!! Your daughter is ADORABLE!! I love your blog!! I go to Nealy's church and saw she mentioned her sisters blog on a post and have been reading since then!! You have a great blog!! Congratulations on your second pregnancy! If you ever need a babysitter, ask Nealy for my information and I would LOVE to come over!!! Can't wait for your next post! :)

  2. Okay Kiley. I know people say Avery looks like Matt, but I see a resemblance to your younger sister. Does anyone else say that? Yay for Baby #2 coming soon! I'll be praying for your family in this joyous time!

  3. Sydney - You are so sweet. I will keep you in mind for babysitting! Do you drive?

    1. Awesome! Unfortunately I'm only 14 (turning 15 in exactly a week) but if you needed me to go to you instead of you picking me up (I live in Eagan) then my mom is pretty good about driving me if I need a ride!

  4. Hi Melissa! Congrats on your new little girl!! A few people have said she looks like Jasey... I definitely see it, too. And I think I kind of look like Jasey, too, so does that mean that my daughter might sort of, kind of, look like me?! It will be interesting to see who this baby looks like!
