Thursday, May 3, 2012

38-week Belly Pic + My Birthday

I turn 29 today.  It kind of doesn't seem like reality that I'm almost 30 and have almost two kids and will most likely soon be driving a mini-van.  I don't know quite what age I feel, but sometimes I look at Avery and think, "You are mine?  Like, completely my (and your dad's) responsibility?"  Someone tell me this is normal!

But, the fact remains, I am officially 29 years old.

Baby girl is still perfectly happy hanging out in my tummy.  (The following picture is NOT photoshopped or editied in any way; my belly really is that big):

Anyway, started the day with a coffee date at Starbucks with these two characters...
...then had lunch (and Woulett's cupcakes!) and went shopping downtown St. Paul with these very goofy characters (and Nealy):
This evening we will go out to eat - restaurant TBD.  What a good day!  I think the only thing that could make it better would be getting to meet the baby tonight!!  It doesn't hurt to hope, does it?

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