Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Last week three-fourths of our family took a little adventure to Paris!  Matt had to go for work, so Evelyn and I tagged along for a few days.  I was so, so nervous for the trip (7 hour time change, an unpredictable newborn), but I'm happy to report there were no major disasters (unless you count major blowouts in the plane and taxi!), and that the trip was tons of fun.  We did miss Avery, but knew she was happy as a clam with Cici.  (Thanks again Cici!)

Evelyn slept 95% of the time on the plane! I think it was the humming and vibrations that knocked her out. Either that or the sleeping pill we slipped her! (jk) If you ever travel with an infant, I highly, highly recommend bringing a boppy. Then you can have your hands free. Evelyn and I flew solo on the way home yesterday, which I was really nervous about, too, but we made it safe and sound.
 Saw the sights:

Ate some good food, including lots of crepes, duck, nutella out of the jar with plastic forks, wine, and gelato. 

 Had a little picnic by the Eifle Tower.  On the menu: strawberries, baguette with goat cheese and fig jam, and quiche lorraine.

Did I mention the gelato?  This one place made the cone look like a flower.  My fav flavors were caramel and, you guessed it, nutella. :)
 This was one particularly tired night, as you can tell by my eyes!  We risked it and ate at a nice 3-course meal restaurant, so I was ready and armed with my nursing cover for when Evelyn started to fuss. :)  This meal in particular we had to take shifts eating with one of us out on the street holding the trouble-maker while the other one ate.
 Took the metro to Versailles for the day.

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