Friday, December 28, 2012

Our Life As Of Late

Oh my goodness, it has been a LONG time since I’ve posted!  I could make something up about how I am so busy teaching my children Greek or grinding my own wheat or something like that, but truth be told, I’ve chosen to spend my “free time” on Facebook or Pinterest! J  But perhaps (perhaps!) in the new year I’ll devote some more of my time to Our Minnesota Family!

Speaking of... here are a few of our Christmas pics, compliments of photographybynealy. :)

Anyway, I’ll begin with our Avery Sue who is ALMOST THREE. She is something else.  I’m sure everybody’s 2.75 year old is contstantly cracking them up, but verily verily Avery is so funny.  Jahnaya told me the other day after she had said something outrageous, “I hope you write this stuff down because you’re going to forget and it’s too funny to not remember!”  So I suppose I’ll have to document her antics (NYResolution #1?!). But she is really growing up to be a very sweet, thoughtful, gentle young lady.  She is a very considerate big sister (most of the time).  She is super dramatic and likes to explain things with tons of hand gestures and longer-than-necessary descriptive explanations.  Two days a week Avery attends a short pre-pre-school program for 2s and 3s.  She LOVES “school” and has really come out of her shell in a lot of ways due to it.  Avery also recently completed a ballet class with one of her friends, Julianna!  It was about the cutest thing ever to see her prancing around out there… but I’ll tell you one thing—that girl lives and breathes dancing. She has been spending a lot of time with the next door neighbor, Zoe!  And last, she loves to be silly with her daddy when he gets home from work!

Julianna and Avery and "Baby Ballerinas"
Snow Day with Zoe
Evelyn-ey-Sue, as we have so pet-named her, is THE SWEETEST LITTLE BABY I’ve ever met.  She’s 7.5 months old.  She has two little bottom teeth sticking out.  She LOVES her big sister, daddy, and mommy, and pretty much just loves looking at and “talking to” people!  While Avery got a little scared of strangers at this age, Evelyn liked to study them and talk to them. She still loves to nurse and lets us know when she’s hungry (Eeee!!! Daaa daaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! Etc!).  Just like Avery, Evelyn likes to be carried around the house and involved in everything, like making dinner or doing laundry.  Bottom line is I’m cherishing these baby days because I know they go by quickly; I’ll like blink and she’ll be 25! J 

I guess I should update on Matt, too!  He’s still working at Boston Scientific and recently got a new position at their Maple Grove location working on a new therapy.  He’s had some fun travel opportunities through work lately, including Belguim, Salzburg, South Carolina, Orlando, and Miami.  In his free time, he plays with the girls and lovingly completes things on my honey-do list! 
Let’s see!  Then there’s me!  I am enjoying teaching two days/week.  I typically just teach in the ESOL department, but this past semester I taught a new class in Century College’s Education program called Teaching English Language Learners.  My students were aspiring educators and paras.  It was a lot of work, but I personally learned a lot and enjoyed sharing my passion for teaching with others.  Next semester I’ll be just teaching 1 class again which will be a nice (little bit slower) change of pace.  I’m also still doing MOPS and my mom’s book club—both of which I could not live without. 

We just finished up our last Christmas celebrations.  This year, the Waites came up to our house to celebrate mid-December, and the Rebarcaks just had our Christmas last night at Nealy's house. 
Elizabeth and Evelyn

Everyone in their new Christmas Eve jammies

Grandma got all five girls matching jammies!

Another jammie pic! Can you tell we've been lazy around here lately?!

We have had some very exciting times on both sides of our family.  LeAnn and Mike just had their third daughter, Elizabeth, born in October, and Brady and Jahnaya just had their first, Kinsey!  I had the privilege of being at Kinsey’s birth on December 17 and it was SO exciting.  She had a long (24+ hour) labor at home and seriously rocked it.  They are adjusting to life with a newborn, and I am getting my tiny baby fix in the form of a niece—which should hold me over for a few more months.  Wink wink!! ;)

Baby Kinsey! 

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