Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sleeping Baby

Avery has now been to two stores: Target and Walmart! Target was our first outing (with Matt and me) on Friday after Avery's doctor's visit. Then today, Avery, Grandma and I went to Walmart. To be honest, I was stressed the whole time! She didn't have a major breakdown or anything, but it was a relief to make it home safe and sound.

Even though Walmart was a successful trip, I'd say today was our first rough day. Avery did not want to go to sleep. Well, I take that back. She did want to go to sleep while I was holding her, but the second I put her down, "Waaa!" So, I finally caved and let her nap the whole time on my chest. I love it - I just don't want her to HAVE to sleep that way.

Nealy and Kyle are over again tonight. While I napped, Nealy found my "miracle blanket" (recommended to me by my friend Kristin) and according to Nealy and my mom, she stopped crying the second we put it on her. Well, that and the put her in the bouncy seat that makes womb noises. :)

I have been swaddling her at night with her arms out (she likes to suck on her hands) but tonight I might try the miracle blanket and see how it goes! Also, I might try putting her on the mattress part of her pack and play (verses the newborn napper) because of SIDS stuff I've been reading.


  1. You sound like you are doing a great job Kiley. Try not to stress, babies are very resilient, and you will figure it all out in no time! My babies also loved to be swaddled tight for sleeping. Avery is so cute!

  2. Nora LOVED her Miracle Blanket. Believe it or not she slept in it until 6 months :)
    Avery is precious!! I'm sure you're an awesome mom.

  3. Kiley--hope it works for you as well as it did for us. Blake also liked to suck on his fingers, but slept better in the miracle blanket since his hands were never flailing around and waking him up at night. And like the other comments have said, try not to stress. Remember that the Lord is in control and yes, try your best, but remember that HE loves Avery even more than you and Matt and has given her to you both! Can't wait to see you guys this weekend!
