Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Week One With Baby

Three words to describe week one: emotional, fun, and a huge learning curve!

We got home from the hospital on Wednesday afternoon. Avery had lots of visitors in the hospital: Grandma R, Aunt Nealy, Uncle Kyle, cousin Callie, and Grandma and Grandpa W. It was a little bit hard and scary to leave... especially because right before we left, little Avery spit up 4 times. So I bawled to the nurse for a couple of minutes, she and Matt reassured me that everything was going to be okay, and we were on our way! Our neighbors Mike and Jessica were kind enough to leave us a little balloon bouquet upon our arrival.

I really don't know what to compare it to, but it seems like little Avery has been a good sleeper. She takes a million naps a day, and a night she's been doing at least one 3 or 4 hour stretch. The 4 hour stretches are SO nice for mommy. :) She's sleeping in a pack-and-play next to our bed. I love it. She's close enough so I can hear her wake up, but not so close that she's in our bed and I'm worried about rolling over on her! The pack-and-play we got is just perfect. It has a napper on one side that she sleeps in and a changing table on the other side. During the day, she sleeps either on my chest (her fav spot!) or in her stroller. I love that our stroller has a bassinet attachment because then we can just wheel her around wherever we are, or wheel her in the sun, or wheel her next to me while I nap on the couch.

Here she is napping in the sun. The pediatrician (and my mom) said she had mild jaundice, so we layed her out to suntan!

Our first visitors at home were Aunt LeAnn, Uncle Mike, cousin Maddie and cousin Katie. Since Maddie has a younger sister, she was a pro at holding Avery. They brought us a big bag of goodies and snacks from Trader Joe's - yum! Good for midnight snacking for me while Avery midnight snacks!

Our next visitors were the Rebarcaks. It was fun to have Brady, Wes, Lena, Jasey, and my dad see the little stinker. Everyone thought she looks like Matt - especially his nose and lips.

Avery got her first Easter basket from Grandma R.

Avery had her first bath at home on Sunday. Let's just say it took 6 hands to get the job done! She actually kind of liked it - once Matt started pouring warm water on her belly. I'm nervous to bathe her by myself, so for the next few times, I'll have Matt or Nealy or someone help! My mom did the smartest thing - warmed Avery's towels in the oven. She loved it.

(On a side note - I do realize that I look like I got hit by a truck. :) As Matt said as he was taking a pic of me and Avery one day, "Kiley, I love you, but the camera doesn't right now.") :)

Matt's first day back at work was yesterday. He wore a new pink shirt and brought a box of pink chocolate cigars to share. He came home for lunch yesterday and today, which was nice.

What is even nicer is that my mom is our cook, maid, and masseuse this week. I literally haven't lifted a finger all week! She has ironed (almost) every item in Matt's closet, organized his closet, done all of our laundry, washed all of our towels and sheets, put up curtains in our living room, made healthy, delicious meals, gave me the best massages of my life at night, helped me with breastfeeding, and reassured me that I am doing a good job with little Avery.

Monday night, we celebrated Avery's one week birthday with Aunt Nealy and Uncle Kyle and cousin Callie. Callie liked the "bebe" and gave her lots of kisses!

We love you Avery!! When I look at you, I feel lovesick! :) I can tell already that you are such a sweet girl. Your daddy and I are so lucky to have you!

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