Friday, September 10, 2010


Two weekends ago, our niece Katie turned one!  It was such an exciting weekend, and we were happy to be able to celebrate the big day with her!  I sadly didn't have my camera (or rather, I had my camera but had lost my charger.... but I did manage to get a few snapshots with my phone).

Let's start with the most important part... the yuuummmy cake.  LeAnn and I cook a lot alike - always doctoring up recipes to make them even more tasty.  So let's just say her chooclate cake was delish!  She also made us chicken fajitas on Fri night when we got there.  I haven't made them yet, but if you are looking for a non-grilling fajita recipe, check this out from Food Network.
Here's the birthday girl!
Avery's first bow!  Katie let her borrow it for the day. :)
It was tough to get all of the three granddaughters in one picture, smiling, but we did our best!  Maddie started middle school this year!  We can't believe how grown up, mature, and smart she is getting.  She is so good with the babies, too.
One with Grandma, of course.
And my favorite picture of the weekend... my two favorite people in the whole world.  Aren't they sooo cute?!  As my mom says, "I want her face!" 

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