Thursday, September 9, 2010

Last Weekend at the Lake

This was our last weekend in Clear Lake.  I have to admit - I was pretty bummed that it's over (for now).  I didn't get a lot of great pictures, but here are a few! 

We started out the weekend at PM Park - a diner type of restaurant that I used to work at when I was in high school.  They have a "Tiki Burer," pictured below - 2 # of ground beef!  As you might be able to tell, Matt and Kyle shared it (along with a little help from the rest of the fam!)  We were going to do a couples Tiki Burger challenge, but maybe next year. :)

Avery sported her Clear Lake shirt, along with her new pair of jeans.  Let's just say the jeans were on pretty much only for the picture, then we changed to sweats. :)  Much better!
Avery munching on her bib - a common happening these days.
Callie continues to give Avery lots of kisses.
Avery is loving her teething ring.  Gramsie got her a special one.  The funny thing is, Callie likes to copy!  Those girls!
I don't have many pictures of the food, but believe me - we cooked lots of good stuff.  Went out with a bang, for sure.  It was cold for a lot of the weekend, so we spent some lazy time lounging around, watching old Office episodes.
Well, then end!  Until next year!

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