Thursday, December 23, 2010

What oh what have we been up to...?

First, I should start by saying I lost my camera.  Again.  The bad news is that I don't have a lot of pictures to post.  The good news is that I didn't like the camera. :)  But, I still am hoping it will show up because I still might be able to return it! 

We did get some family pictures taken.  Avery was not being the most cooperative person in the world, but we did manage to get a few great shots!

Some good friends had a baby!  Shelli and Jeff gave birth to Vienna.  She was actually the very first baby who I've gone to visit in the hospital.  In my mom's fashion, I took a bottle of champagne to celebrate.  Then, some other good friends, Nate and Natalie, adopted a little boy - Caleb.  We got to see him when he was just a few days old.  Baby fever is in the air!!

Although, my hands are definitely full with just one.  Avery will be 9 months at the end of this month!!  I'll have to do a 9-month update post soon!

We've had a few Christmas parties here and there.  One for Sunday school (at our house), one for Matt's work (and his director's house), and we have a neighborhood one next week.  I'm bummed I didn't get any pictures of any of the parties.  Perhaps that will be my New Year's resolution - to (1) find my camera and (2) take more pictures!  Especially because little Miss Avery is changing so much every day. 

We also went to Stacy's Tree Farm with a few friends from church.  Met at Perkins for breakfast in Forest Lake then drove even farther north to Stacy, MN.  We already had our Wal-Mart tree up by then, but a few couples cut down a tree.  It was quite the experience.  Matt is set on cutting down a tree next year.

I finished up the semester at school.  I made it one whole semester working (very part time) as a mom, and, to be honest, loved it.  I had especially great students this semester, so we had a lot of fun. 

I'll leave you with a picture of the babe.

This post is boring, if I do say so myself!  I promise to take more pictures over the holidays - even if it's just with my phone! 

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