Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas 2010

January 5, 2011.  Christmas seems like it was forEVER ago!! 

A quick recap of our first Christmas as a family of three. :)

My family came to Minnesota to stay at our house since Nealy was due on Dec 26th.  We had good food (as always), the boys and Jasey went skiing, had a bday celebration for Wes, we played a competitive game of Taboo, and even sang some Christmas carols as a family on Christmas Eve!  Here's a quick shot of all of us after the Christmas Eve service. 

At Christmas dinner, I think Avery was saying, "How sad!  I want steak!!!  And you're just giving me these nasty green beans!!"

The day after Christmas, we headed to Cedar Rapids to spend a few days with Matt's family.  We had more good food, had a party with neighbors and friends, and opened lots and lots of gifts.  We even had a mini-celebration of Maddie and Avery's birthdays since Matt's parents will be out of the country for both.   

I unfortunately didn't get a ton of pictures while we were in CR... in fact, I basically didn't get my camera out of my bag until the afternoon we were leaving... by which time "someone" to remain nameless was getting a little on the cranky side... :)  Let's just say this is the BEST picture of Avery and Grandma that I got!!

 And, one of the girls... kind of...  Katie is getting SO very big and grown-up! 

Avery got lots of wonderful gifts, one of which is this adorable hat (from Cal). 

Man, I'm getting quite verbose with my posts. :)  Just kidding.  I feel like lately I've just been playing catch-up. 

Soon, perhaps, I'll do a normal post instead of a "this is a list of what we've been up to."  :) 

Anyway - on to the most important event of the last few weeks....

My fourth niece was born!!  Clara Lucille was born on December 28.  What an absolute doll.  I love her so much already and I've only seen her a handful of times. :)  I can't wait to watch her grow up and be part of her life.   This is my sister just 2 hours after Clara was born.  Does she not look amazing for having just had a baby?!  (Notice a little naughty someone in the corner. :)

And here's one with dad.
All for now from blogger-world!  :)

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