Monday, May 2, 2011

California Adventure

Matt and I had the pleasure of taking a long weekend trip sans-baby to the San Franciso area.  It was so much fun.  We stayed most of the time with our friends Nate and Jess, and just the two of us spent a night in Napa.  Napa was AMAZING.  It was my ideal vacation (in no particular order): good wine, good food, good shopping, good friends, nice hotel, nice weather.  Ahh.  We ate some of the best food I think I've ever had.  In fact, my new standard for if it's a good restaurant or not is if they don't have salt and pepper shakers.  I'm starting to drool just thinking about it. :)  Anyway, it was a super nice, relaxing getaway!!  Here are a (sorry, just a) few pics of the trip!

Some of you might be wondering what the munchkin did while we were away and/or if she missed me and/or if I missed her.  Well, she stayed with Cici and Papa in Ames.  She did not miss me at all, and yes, I missed her.  However, I got a steady supply of texts and video messages from them which did keep me somewhat satisfied.  Here's a glimpse of a few!

I got this one one morning with a text: "Avery's cooking breakfast.  Easter eggs, I think."
 Brady sent me this one, along with a text that said, and I quote, "Avery is HILARIOUS." 
 I got this one the night before we left with a text that said, "Good night mommy!" 


  1. Good choice for a vacation! And, the Eagles are such wonderful hosts and fun to hang out with. I'm jealous!

  2. looks like you had a great time...and props to you guys for taking a trip without the babes....tough to do but so great also! hope you are doing well! miss you guys!
