Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Morning at the Zoo

This morning we went to the Como Zoo with a group of moms and kids from MOPS.  It's only 5 minutes from our house and only $2 for adults and $1 for kids, so I know we will be going back lots this summer - and probably for years to come! 

I was so excited to take Avery there because lately she's been obsessed with puppies.  Her favorite thing to do is walk down the street waiting for puppies to walk by.  She gets super excited when she sees one and she wants to follow it down the road.  Anyway, she loved to see the monkeys, lions, zebras, foxes, and giraffes at the zoo.  Turns out they all say "arr arr," just like puppies. :) 

Pointing--her new favorite thing to do.  She points and then wants me to tell her what it is.  This is what I do all day people. :)

 Looking intently at the lion with her friend Kaylin.

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