Thursday, May 12, 2011


Our city recently got a brand new library.  Avery LOVES it there.  She could (literally) stay all day and not get bored.  I once packed our lunches and we quietly ate them in the back. :)  I'm not feeling well this week, so I thought the library would be a good place to go for the munchkin to play and me to sit there with my mug o' coffee.  Except the Transportation Puzzle was too much to resist!! And taking pics of her today was too much to resist!! 

Today was the first day that we actually checked out books.  We have so many books here, but Avery is sick of most of them.  If I pick one up that she doesn't like (one of the older ones that we have read too many times, or one that doesn't have cool flaps or interesting things to touch), she whines and shakes her head no.  It's pretty funny.

Anyway, on to the real reason for this post!!  My bad (but still cute) pics that I took with my phone!!

The library has really neat wall toys for babies/toddlers.

 Have I mentioned she LOOOOOVES clocks??  I happened to catch her getting a glimpse of the clock!

 She is very interested in what other kids are doing. 

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